Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chapter 2 Boarding School


Zoey had just received a phone call that in order for the ballet troupe to respect her, she would have to be forced into boarding school. And not just any boarding school, but thee boarding school of Europe. It was the school that marked you head of the curb when it came to universities and careers out on the market. When she came home that afternoon to tell Adele's mother, Olivia, the wonderful news, she ended up coming home to Adele staring into a book about ballet tips. "Hey guess what!" Zoey smiled, she hurried to the table and grabbed the seat next to Adele to capture her full attention. Adele didn't even move from her page. "Yeah I heard from mom about the school, I'm going to end up the only sophmore there that out grows her clothes every month." she mumbled. "But...Adele I'll be a there with you along the way!" Zoey reasurred. Adele finally looked up from her book and stared at Zoey, "Are you serious? Zoey you'll be a freshman at that school. That's a hell of a lot of difference!" she stated.

Zoey just took in a deep breathe and leaned over the table to stare deep into Adele's eyes, "I'm your friend no matter how old I am. We'll be just fine." she smirked. Adele huffed and slammed her book down on the table, "Look, when you're a freshman, you can start all over again and meet the friends who will be with you till your senior year. Me, I'm screwed! I'm the sophmore transfering from a homeschool education and into a lions den of teenagers, B.O., snotty girls, and stubborn-know-at-all teachers! So don't tell me we'll be fine!" Adele roared. Zoey groaned and laid her head on the table, she now felt uneasy about going to the school...

-First Day of School-

at five in the morning, she woke up early completely excited at what was going to happen at school! Her uniform was ironed, her collar starched, forgetting her hair was the same style as yesterday! She was ready for whatever waited at the new school!


Meanwhile in the studyroom, Adele heard a knock from the balcony door. She quietly answered the door and saw to her surprise Rayden trying to be human. He dressed the part for a punk rocker, but something was different. His eyes were completely different from when she had met him the first time. "What happened to your eyes?" she whispered. Hoping her mother wouldn't hear their voices. "When an Asher meets his soul mate, their eyes change from silver to red." he smirked. Adele blushed, because the entesity from his stare began to gather the fluttering from her heart. He slowly moved closer to her and reached for a strand of her hair, "So you're going to that school?" he asked. His breath smelled of cinniman and when he continued to stare into her eyes, just his breatheing would touch her was always one step closer to kissing. "Yes..."she replied. She couldn't take it...she wanted to feel the smoothness of his skin against her fingers, the tastes of his lips upon her own. Hinting she wanted more just from tilting her head and begening to close her eyes, a shout from downstairs caught her off guard. "ADELE GET YOUR SORRY ARSE IN THE CAR!" her mother shouted. "I need to go!" she mumbled. After the shouting from downstairs got louder, Rayden couldn't grab her attention when he tried to kiss for her cheek and ended up kissing air..."Have a good day at school." he whispered eventually.

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